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Writer & Lecturer

A graduate of Selwyn College, Cambridge, Nicholas trained for the Anglican ministry at Ripon Hall, Oxford. Inspired by a period working on the staff of Coventry Cathedral he has gained a wide experience of international matters. His doctorate from the University of Wales, Lampeter, is in Anglican Lay Ecclesiology based on studies in Brazil, Japan, Uganda, the United Kingdom and the United States.

Nicholas is a Vice President of ‘Modern Church’ (founded 1898) the oldest theological society in the Anglican Communion. He is also interested in the study of Anglicanism both historical and contemporary and he is the editor of a website dedicated to the study of the subject, which can be found at:

Formerly bishop-elect for the Diocese of Lake Malawi in Central Africa (2005-2009), Nicholas loves Africa. He has lectured widely on international and historical issues and has a particular interest in making history relevant.

His other interests have included several years as the London Area Chaplain for the Actors’ Church Union with responsibility for London theatres and chaplaincy. His own theatres were the Theatre Royal, Haymarket and the Strand (now known as the Novello). He has been a Chaplain with Swan Hellenic and he is an enthusiastic amateur musician playing bass in jazz trios and quartets. Nicholas is an accredited speaker with the Arts Society and twelve W.I. counties as well as a speaker for U3A groups, history societies and luncheon and evening groups. He regularly assists as a priest in the Diocese of London.

Talks are given by Keynote or Power Point
with projection and sound.
I am happy to deliver talks in person at your venue.

Distance and timing are no problem.
I can also provide Study Days,
or offer online Zoom presentations.
I can also host online, talks for you to save you the time and trouble of setting up your own Zoom system. 
If you would like more information
please get in touch using


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